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This year, Beiarn municipality, in collaboration with the NTNU (Science Museum) and “Statsforvalteren”,  Nordland, will start the project “mapping the fishing pressure related to the sea trout in the Beiarn fjord and the Nordfjord”. They want to take a closer look at the number of sea trout catches in the sea-phase.

The project is carried out by catching up to 200 sea trout in the Beiarn river – tagging them with a carlin tag with an imprinted fishing ID and contact information for the project manager. These sea trouts are immediately put back into the river.

Fishermen who report their catches of sea trout in the coming season will receive a stack of “lucky tickets” as a reward.

In order for us to succeed with the project, we need to tag as many sea trout as possible, and therefore need help from local fishermen who can take part in a fishing effort. Catching sea trout will take place for a period of two weeks after Easter 2023, as soon as the ice has gone on the river.

If there is anyone who would like to contribute to the project, you can contact Thomas Sørensen in Beiarn municipality by email: thomas.sorensen@beiarn.kommune.no or phone: 90533342.

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