Fishing rules 2024

Welcome to Beiarn-river!

The fishing for salmon and sea trout is opened at parts of the Beiarn-river that´s affiliated to Beiarelva SA. From the lower part of the fishing ladder at Tollåga and Hauforsen, and the following 50 meter, fishing is forbidden. Above the fishing ladder at the Tollåga-river, fishing is forbidden (at the anadromous-zone). 

The fishing season:
Salmon: 15.06 – 31.08.

Sea trout: 15.06. – 31.08, throughout the river. And below the Storjord-bridge from 01-14.09.

Arctic char: Fishing for Arctic char is not allowed (To be released)

The opening day: “Fishing starts 12.00 (mid-day) June 15th and lasts until 06.00 (morning) June

For the rest of the season (except the opening day), the daily fishing period is from 06.00 AM until 12PM (from the area where the powerline crosses the river at the Kvæl-beat and further upstream to the ladders at Tollåga and Hauforsen).

That means: The river is closed between 12 PM until 06 AM in the morning!!! You can fish the whole day trough from the area where the powerline crosses the river at the Kvæl-beat, and all the way downstream to the fiord at Tvervik.

If the water level drops below 7m3/sec, will the board consider restrictions-  or close the river for fishing.

Catches, quotes and minimum size
· Daily quotes per fisherman: 3 salmon, where only one salmon under 65 cm can be killed.
· Only two (2) salmons below 65 cm pr. angler pr. season
· Size: The minimum size for salmon is 40 cm
· All salmons above 65 cm must be released back to the rives as gentle as possible.
· Farmed salmons must be removed from the river entire the whole season – regardless of quotes.
· Farmed salmon must be presented to the license seller. If not – the fish is considered as a part of the fisherman’s daily quote.
· The license seller or representative of Beiarelva SA has the authority to confirm what is farmed salmon only.

Farmed salmon that´s presented to the license sellers shall NOT be registered as a part of the quota and can be kept by the fisherman. Incorrectly assessed fish must be delivered to the landowner.

Catches, quotes and minimum size
· Daily quotes: Only three (3) sea trouts under 60 cm pr. angler pr. day
· Maximum 10 sea trout under 60 cm pr. angler pr. season.
· Size: The minimum size for sea trout is 40 cm · All sea trout above 60 cm must be released.

  • Fishing equipment:

    · It is only permitted to use fishing equipment with max. one triple hook

    · We recommend to use barbless hooks when practicing catch and release  

    · Worm bait fishing can be practiced throughout the whole river

    · Maximum one fishing rod pr. angler. Leaving the rod while fishing is not allowed

    · Usage of fishing gaff or spotting fish with electronic equipment is forbidden


Fishing rules

  • Fishing rules

    1: The purchase of several fishing-cards in your own or someone else’s name in the same zone/on the same day is considered illegal.

    2: Subletting or resale of fishing licenses that do not include agreements concluded before season-start with the land owner is considered illegal. The board, Beiarelva SA

    Other rules:

    A receipt of paid National-fishingfee must be presented to the card seller when purchasing local fishing license and disinfection.

    All fishing equipment including boots, waders, canoes, boats or other equipment used as a part of the fishing (attached to water) must be disinfected before use. Disinfection certificate from other rivers is not valid!

    Both killed, released fish or “no-catch” must be registered and reported at your fishing license within 1 day after the fishing stops.

    All life-damaged and therefore killed fish (above the maximum size or below the minimum size) must immediately be reported to the license seller by SMS, phone or physical meeting. The fish must

    physical be presented the landowner or fishing license seller.

    Shell samples from all killed fish (including farmed fish) must be put into specially designed envelopes and delivered to the landowner or license seller at the end of fishing.

    All fish must be treated as gently as possible into the water to avoid mortality, when practicing catch and release. Suitable pliers must be used when removing the hook as well as knotless net when landing the fish. One tip on how to measure the length of the fish is to add a mark on your rod at 65 cm.

    Significant violations of the fishing rules must be reported to license seller or salmon office at Storjord.

    · Fishing from floating vessels such as canoes, boats, packrafts is not allowed

    · Receipt for the disinfection fee must be brought with you when fishing

    · Downstream movable fishing based on rotation is required

    Thank you for choosing Beiarelva – We are looking forward seeing you again!

    Tight Lines !


By fishing the Beiarn river you accepts the fishing rules and complying with them. Breaking the rules is punishable and can lead to a police report (this according to the salmon- and inland fishing Law).

First time 2nd time
Fishing equipment and disinfection
Using non-disinfected fishing equipment Exclusion 1 year
Use of illegal fishing equipment Exclusion 1 year
Fishing license, fishing time / fishing place
Fishing without valid paid fishing license Exclusion 1 year
Fishing without payed National fishing fee Exclusion 1 days Exclusion 1 year
Fishing on another person’s license Exclusion 1 year
Fishing nighttime between 12PM - 06 AM Exclusion 1 year
Fishing outside fishing season Exclusion 2 years
Fishing at wrong beat Warning Exclusion 1 year
Killed fish up to 5 cm above maximum size Exclusion 1 day Exclusion 1 year
Killed fish more than 5 cm above max. size Exclusion 1 year
Too many killed fish pr day Exclusion 1 year
Too many killed fish during fishing season Exclusion 1 year
Exceeded daily quota Exclusion 3 days Exclusion 1 year
 First time2nd time

Fishing equipment and disinfection

Using non-disinfected fishing equipmentExclusion 1 year 
Use of illegal fishing equipmentExclusion 1 year 

Fishing license, fishing time / fishing place

Fishing without valid paid fishing licenseExclusion 1 year 
Fishing without payed National fishing feeExclusion 1 daysExclusion 1 year
Fishing on another person’s licenseExclusion 1 year 
Fishing nighttime between 12PM – 06 AMExclusion 1 year 
Fishing outside fishing seasonExclusion 2 years 
Fishing at wrong beatWarningExclusion 1 year


Killed fish up to 5 cm above maximum size

Exclusion 1 day

Exclusion 1 year

Killed fish more than 5 cm above max. size

Exclusion 1 year

Too many killed fish pr day

Exclusion 1 year

Too many killed fish during fishing season

Exclusion 1 year

Exceeded daily quotaExclusion 3 days

Exclusion 1 year

Exclusion applies from the time violations are detected: time, date / year / time
Please remember to report all catches – also 0-catch on