No cost up to the age of 16!

The loan-rods are available at the salmon office. Anyone under the age of 16 can borrow spin-fishing rods, doable for the Beiarn river. Beiarelva SA provides sinkers, so everyone can catch a fish – without paying a penny.

All the equipment is handled by the salmon hosts “laksekontoret” at Storjord. All loans against a deposit of NOK 100 are registered here. The rods can be borrowed for up to three days, three times during the season. When the rods are delivered, a deposit is paid if the rod is not broken, the reel is damaged or “all” the line on the reel is gone.

The rods must be picked up and delivered during the salmon office’s opening hours and the salmon hosts decide whether the equipment is “in order” upon return.

From Beiarelva SA, a salmon lure is also lent to each rod. This is delivered upon return, but must not be replaced if it is lost.

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