Here you will find a overview of the most common questions (FAQ´s) we get about the river. We hope you will find answers to your questions. If not, just get in touch. E-mail: laksevert@beiarelva.not to

The quota is applied for and approved by the Regional Governor. This conducts after the mid-season evaluation each year (Mid. July).

After ending the extra quota, the fishing rules will return back to the normal quota. The fish must be reported within 24 hours like all other salmon and sea trout in the Beiarelva.

The Sea trout fishing season closes September 14th at 23.59 (end of day). 

The salmon office is located at Storjord, (next to Beiarn Kro & Hotel). Here they share an office with Beiarpuls (Turist-info). The salmon office is  operation during the salmon season, and is open every day of the week (during the high season). For more information and extraordinary opening times on evenings and weekends, read more on our FB-page about the salmon office

The parasite Gyradactilus salaris (Gyro) was detected in the Beiarn river in 1981. After two treatments with rotenon, the river was reopened after 20 years in 2021, and has since been gyro-free. There are several stations in Beiarn that offer disinfection of the fishing equipment. It is important that everyone does this, and you will be banned from the river if you do not do this. Read more about where you can disinfect, what it costs and why we require this on the disinfection page.

If you have any other questions, just get in touch!

E-mail: laksevert@beiarelva.no